For the Greater Goods

A lifestyle blog for the conscious consumer

Friday Finds


Welcome to my first installment of Friday Finds. I feel like I come across articles or videos during the week and am like “that would be a neat thing to post on my blog”, but it’s not something I can write a whole post about. Ya know?

So I decided to create a list on Fridays of the interesting things I’ve seen/read during the week. The list will include: social issues, conscious products,  health and wellness, inspirational stories, and obviously I will throw in some funny videos because a good laugh never hurt anyone. Here is what I have been watching, reading, and found interesting this week.



1. Taylor Swift is donating all of the proceeds from her song “Welcome to New York” to New York City Public Schools. But be careful of what might happen if you listen to too much Taylor Swift. 

2. Have you seen the controversial catcalling video?  It’s been fairly prevalent in social media this week. But what may be even more controversial is this man’s response.

3. This is an interesting article about what foods may be threatened by climate change. Try not to panic, but chocolate and wine are on the list.


4. Check out Old Wool New mittens, hats, and gloves. They’re made out of old sweaters and look super warm. Be prepared, winter is coming!

5. In this video adults and kids are asked what they would change about their bodies. It’s one of those videos that really makes you think. 

6. And here is a video of a baby otter learning how to swim. Enjoy the cuteness. 


2 thoughts on “Friday Finds

  1. Thank you for including OldWoolNew mittens in your Friday list!

  2. Annie, creator of “For the Greater Goods”…I think you’re an incredible woman. Thank you for all you do to help better the world.

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