For the Greater Goods

A lifestyle blog for the conscious consumer

Food For Thought

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The local farm to table food trend has taken the restaurant industry by storm, but there is another socially conscious movement that is starting to pop up among our favorite eats: charity. When it comes to charity, the restaurant industry might not be the most obviously place to look, but times are a changin’. I’ve recently come across three restaurants that are helping their communities in three very different ways.

Rosa’s Pizza: Helping the Needy One Slice At a Time

I am particularly interested in the entrepreneur who created Rosa’s Pizza because he is a fellow Babson grad and got to meet Ellen Degeneres. It gives me hope that one day Ellen might grace me with her glorious presence… A girl can dream.

What makes Rosa’s Pizza so unique is its pay it forward business model. For only a $1 you can buy a piece of pizza for a homeless person. It is so simple and inexpensive, yet clearly has seen great success. If you want to participate, but don’t live near Philly, you can still donate slices of pizza by clicking here.

Worth Our Weight

WOW Cafe Santa Rosa: Developing great lives through good food

Worth Our Weight is a cafe in Santa Rosa that empowers at risk youths by providing a unique, yearlong apprentice opportunity in the culinary industry. The young adults (age 16-24) in the program face major challenges such as: difficulties with the law, homelessness, or significant family disruption. The program offers an introduction to sustainable farming, professional cooking, operating a restaurant, and access to high-quality food prepared by chefs and the skills to prepare quality food for themselves. Apprentices who successfully complete one year’s training may be invited to stay for a second year of advanced training, which includes: learning the role of sous-chef, line cook or manager. Click here to learn about how you can get involved.

The Stray Cat Cafe

The Stray Cat Cafe: Helping Strays Find Their Way

The motto at the Stray Cat Cafe is: “Eat, Drink & Rescue!”. They directly support the  Lost Dog and Cat Rescue Foundation, which rescues abandoned or displaced dogs and cats and puts them in happy, safe homes. To date the LDCRF has saved over 18,000 animal lives.

The menu focuses on the 3 S’s: soups, salads, and sandwiches. The menu is scattered with cleverly named items such as Cats-a-dillas, Cat Nip Dip (contains no actual cat nip), and the Calico Club. Following the cat theme, the inside of the cafe is scattered with pictures of adopted cats. Not a cat person? Not a problem. You can check out the Lost Dog Cafe, which the Lost Cat’s sister restaurant and benefits the same Lost Dog and Cat Rescue Foundation. Both restaurants are locating in Arlington, VA.

So if you’re ever in any of these areas, definitely grab a bite and support an amazing cause. And if you know of any restaurants that are making a difference in your communities, write them in the comments down below.

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